When the envoy from a foreign nation arrives in town; when a new warrior turns up; or when you meet a fellow pilgrim on the way to Rome you'll no doubt be needing to ask:
Hwæt is þin
(What's your name?)
["hwat iss thin nam-uh"]
If you need to suck up to said new friend (say, they're the head of a nation you want to build a special relationship with, or someone you really don't want to annoy) you can follow that with:
nama is cynelic.*
(That's an kingly name)
["Thin nam-uh iss koon-uh-litch"]
(Geek alert: fans of the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films might recognise this from a phrase that Aragorn says to the troubled horse in Rohan)
The terminal and intervocalic /s/ is voiced, pronounced /z/. The word "is" = /iz/. How else could we account for rhotacism, /z/ to /R/ to /r/, was/were, 'ic céas', but 'wé curon'?
Ne wile ic ymb me selfne scrytan, (boast), ác ic eom binnan ðæm top-fífum betst-wítendum manna on eorðan on germaniscum spræcum, wordwítenscipe, tungancræafte, ic eom se betsta ealra manna on þissum tungle. (mann/menn = "human")
Also, although spirants were voiced between vowels or between a vowel and a voiced consonant, there is no evidence of it being voiced at the end of a word or syllable. Many sources would agree with the author here with "iss."